1/ Pick topical keywords
2/ Use any Internet search engine for your keywords
3/ Take the first entry and begin writing a story using 5 of the words in the summary|description
4/ Skip to the sixth result 5 places from the current marker (search engines count from 1 not 0)
5/ Jump back to step 3 and continue until a full path is revealed towards topic|keyword|idea
The 5 being the number of harmony, to take it further choose your own. Try to be consistent such as 25 word paragraphs 5 paragraphs or 5 words in a sentence 5 sentences, however you like/feel.
Once story|path is complete you have the option of creating a sigil/glyph or just using this poem / story as a path|gateway to this type of topic|keyword|idea's energy.
I suggest experimenting with music/image/video search engines and the combination of them as well as others.
By doing so you create a mixed channel and path between inhibitory/excitatory/indifferent/white wall etc.